Sunday, 17 February 2013


The mesh analysis is a systematic way of applying KVL around each mesh of a circuit and describes the branch voltages in terms of the mesh currents. This will give us a set of equations that we solve together to find the mesh currents. Once we find the mesh currents we can use them to calculate any other currents or voltages of interest.
 In the above circuit find ix 

1) Find number of loops and mark loop directions in clockwise.

2) Take individual loops and mark the polarities according to current direction you have taken.

3) Apply KVL to the individual loops


Step 1 : there are 2 loops in the given circuit and marking current directions in clockwise direction

While applying KVL consider I1 > I2
Mark the polarities according to the loop current
Apply KVL to loop 1

7 – (1 * I1) – (2 * ( I1 - I2)) – 6 = 0
3 I1 – 2 I2 = 1   ----------------------------------------( 1 )
While applying KVL consider I2 > I1
Mark the polarities according to the loop current
-3 * I2 – 4 * I2 – 9 + 6 – 2 * ( I2 – I1 ) = 0
2 I1 – 9 I2 = 3    -------------------------------------------- ( 2 )
Solving equation 1 and 2 we get
Multiplying eq 1 with 2    6I1 – 4 I2   =   2
Multiplying eq 2 with 3    6I1 – 27 I2 =   9
                                    -       +          -     
                                       0    23 I2     = - 7
                                                  I2   = - 7 / 23
Substituting the value of  I2 in eq 1 we get I1 = 3 / 23
By using calculator
   Go to press mode button
   Then press 5: EQN
   Then press 1 : anX + bnY = cn
 then enter values
At node A
Applying KCL
I1 is incoming current,I2 & ix are out going currents
-I1+ I2 +ix = 0
ix = I1 – I2

substituting the values of I1 & I2 we get

                                        ix  = 10 / 23

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